
Friday, November 23, 2012


Here's the final details for our tour.  It starts tomorrow with what is likely to be the most well attended show we will ever play.  See you at the gigs.

11/24 - Chicago, IL at Metro w/ Lawrence Arms, Banner Pilot, Sidekicks
11/26 - Cincinati, OH @ The Drinkery w/ Dead North, Dessa Sons, The Worthmores, The Creature
11/27 - Greenville, SC @ The Awful Waffle w/ Jimmy Buffet, The Soap, Hay Fever, 4am Friends
11/28 - Athens, GA @ Little Kings w/ Nurture, Kater Mass
11/30 - Nashville, TN @ Owl Farm w/ Chicken Little, Warmachine, Kilo's Kuntfart Kwartet
12/1 - Louisville, KY @ Spinelli's Downtown (239 S. 5th Street) w/ Written Off, Ill Advised
12/2 - Lansing, IL @ The Bat Cave w/ Nervous Passenger, Floorboards

We'll have some new patches, newish shirts, a collection CDR and a live tape for this jaunt as well.